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The Floral Mixologist

Orlaya grandiflora

Orlaya grandiflora

Regular price R 65.00 ZAR
Regular price Sale price R 65.00 ZAR
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Orlaya is the best white lace flower in our opinion, producing an abundance of elegant, dancing umbels of pure white flowers. Each umbel's outer petals look just like tiny hearts which float like the lightest butterfly on the edge of the individual flowers. 

Not only is it the most wonderful addition to a cutting garden, it is also one of the best insect attracting flowers we have grown and a must for bio-diverse gardens.

Flower size: 5-8cm

Plant height: 80cm

Position: Full sun

When: March-May or Sep-Nov

Growing advice: Sow seeds direct 5mm deep March to May for early Spring flowers or alternatively from September to November for Autumn flowers. It is worth noting that Autumn sown seeds produce longer stemmed plants.

Seeds germinate in 2-3 weeks and can tolerate a light frost.

Allow plants to self-seed or collect seed once it turns brown after flowering.

Each pack contains 50 seeds

Pairs beautifully with white ranunculus and white anemones, Matthiola and Agrostemma "Ocean Pearl"

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